Archive for the ‘Life in general’ Category


Focus on 2007

December 27, 2006

Morning all! 🙂

Hope you are all having a great Christmas – we are!! This is just a quick post, but I wanted to flag up a superb post on the excellent website. It is looking forward to 2007 and the resolutions people will make…. From the post:

 “Deficit thinking is an ingrained habit of focusing on gaps and weaknesses (the deficit) instead of what’s working (and can be made to work still better). It’s focusing on what you can’t do, not what you can. Instead of your dreams and ambitions propelling you forward, you let the gap between your current state and your desires become a source of frustration and depression. It’s the old business of seeing the glass as half empty”.

So, don’t get down about stuff you cannot and probably will not do (I bet these are things which you have been, and I admit it, me too, trying to change for years!). Instead look at the stuff you love and do brilliantly and try and leverage these to move forward!

How about you? 2007 is the year


Don’t forget my shared items

December 24, 2006

Anything I think is of interest, I share via Google Reader – saves you trawling through stuff!



A very merry Christmas everyone!

December 24, 2006

Merry Christmas readers! (All 2 of you!) 😉

I won’t be online much for the next few days so I hope you all have a wonderful Christmas and may your turkey be stuffed and cracker pulled (and your stocking brimming with arouund £4000 worth of Apple store vouchers).

NYs eve is also approaching soon, and I am glad to report that

a) we won’t be getting ripped off in a restaurant

b) won’t be having to use a taxi and paying double the usual amount

and c) won’t be risking life and limb with the drunken hoardes.

Excellent 🙂

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December 21, 2006

Definition of a bad day 😉



SpamSieve = a BIG improvement

December 9, 2006

Image spam and all manner of rubbish was getting past the spam filter. So, enter screen right, SpamSieve.


Having been using this for less than 2 days, I am mightily impressed. You install it, add a plug-in to your mail client ( for me), disable jun mail filtering (in, add a spam mailbox and then restart the client, get training good email and spam email and bingo! You can check the stats,  and it seems to be doing a grand job! No spam has entered the inbox since!


I like headlines like this …

December 9, 2006

Moss a Legend!

Well done Sir Stirling!!

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Download your Channel 4 Programmes ….

December 9, 2006

If you use a PC 😦 Poor show Channel 4, and in fact poorshow Apple (slander sir!). Channel 4 have just launched their on demand service, but due to the DRM with Apple software, it means that it is only available on Windows XP PCs. Would be interested to hear if anyone is using this ….. Meanwhile, this is what the web page looks like.



Kuler – cool colours

December 2, 2006

I love colours. Hues, shades, pastels, matching. Getting colours to work together is fun and essential for design, fashion and just about anything that people look at. ADOBE have just launched a very sweet website which allows you to play around with colours to yor heart’s content, with a great UI. Kuler is indeed killer!



Deep man, deep

December 2, 2006

Something I love, but have not done for a long while, is diving. I did my PADI course in Thailand on Koh Tao and then did my Advanced course when I returned the following year. Unfortunately nothing since (don’t fancy the cold or surfacing with a nappy on my head in UK waters 😉 ). Anyway, this caught my eye – Nemo project in Belgium – a dive tank with a shaft to 115 ft!!! Check it.



Ski season approaching

November 17, 2006

13 years ago, I was 22, fresh out of Uni and needed to ski. So that left one option, a ski season 🙂 My good friend Jonny Ayres and I decided to try our luck in Sauze d’Oulx (namely as it had a thriving English tourist industry) and so off we went on the 25th November 1993. It turned out to be one of THE best times of my life, and indeed, the addiction was fuelled by a second season (94-95). I love skiing and a HUGE thanks must go to Mum and Dad for taking Rachel and I skiing from the word go (well, 4 years old). In fact, we even went to Sauze when I was 6 and have the photos to prove it!

I went this year to Cervinia in Italy (spectacular setting under the Matterhorn), and that was the first time for three years (due to other commitments and a buggered shoulder which happened at Cervinia, and even worse, after 2 hours of skiing!). I hope to go this season and really fancy Heavenly on Lake Tahoe 🙂 We will have to see what funds are like.

One of the things we used to do, is watch ski videos, both before we went out to the resort and whilst we were there. One of my all time faves is The Blizzard of Oz starring Glen Plake, Scott Schmidt and Mike Hattrup – these guys were the pioneers when it came to Extreme skiing. Great music too ….. Seal provided the soundtrack to one of the later films (from the same director, Greg Stump) which was called Groove Requiem in the Key of Ski 🙂

Here’s a pic of Mike Hattrup, still going strong and still working for K2!
